Who is the Company

The company provides filtration and separation technology to a broad spectrum of clean energy industries.

The Challenge

The company manages 70% of its overall website content through Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) while using Intershop for its product and category pages. The company wanted to implement a headless e-commerce integration allowing content management from a single platform.

Our e-commerce team suggested using the Adobe Commerce Integration Framework (CIF) with Adobe I/O Runtime (IO). CIF can work with Adobe Magento or any e-commerce platform as long as the platform supports the GraphQL interface. However, the main challenge in adopting this solution was that Intershop doesn’t support GraphQL.

In brief, the company wanted to:

  • Integrate product data into a universal content management platform: The company was looking for a single platform to manage all content.
  • Provide access to real-time product data: The company wanted access to product information in real-time.
  • Create a headless integration architecture: The company already had a substantial investment in AEM and did not want to change it. Instead, they hoped to use the headless integration capabilities of AEM to connect with Intershop.

The Solution

Our Adobe experts integrated AEM with the company’s e-commerce platform using the AEM CIF connector and Adobe I/O Runtime. The integration allows the company to retrieve real-time product data from Intershop to AEM product detail and landing pages without impacting performance.

The team developed an AEM CIF component to access the e-commerce platform using GraphQL APIs. They then designed and deployed a client node application with GraphQL schemas, controllers, and resolvers in the Adobe I/O Runtime framework. The solution injected GraphQL requests from AEM to IO, after which IO initiated a REST call to Intershop, fetching the required data. Integration with IO enables AEM to interact with the commerce platform seamlessly.

Data through CIF is transferred in real-time through APIs at a much faster rate than the company’s old system. The well-designed caching strategy on AEM, Adobe I/O, and Commerce platform helps the company manage the growing traffic without site performance concerns.

The team’s role in supporting the company included:

  • Establishing a serverless architecture: The Adobe I/O Runtime (serverless) platform allowed our team to deploy custom applications to respond to AEM requests and execute functions right in the cloud without an additional server setup.
  • Ensuring accurate and predictable data: AEM CIF components can initiate GraphQL queries and receive the data seamlessly. Such high precision provides the company with a scalable foundation for future growth.
  • Streamlining access to e-commerce data: The solution allows AEM to connect to the company’s e-commerce platform through a single GraphQL endpoint. The simplified design makes the new system easier to maintain, minimizing the burden on the company’s engineering resources.
  • Providing on-demand real-time data access: In the new system, AEM retrieves product data on-demand using real-time APIs for all product data defined in AEM Pages. Adobe I/O includes built-in caching features that guarantee high performance and avoid latency.
  • Designing a seamless integration that empowers content authors: The seamless integration of the new implementation enables authors to access e-commerce data using embedded UIs whenever needed without leaving the content context. The AEM CIF framework provides out-of-the-box e-commerce components with commerce authoring features.

Business Impact

AEM ‘owns the glass’ in the new system and integrates e-commerce services via Adobe Commerce GraphQL APIs. The integration can also serve as an abstract layer to standardize and encapsulate other integrations with multiple systems. Out-of-the-box authoring tools such as product and category pickers allow the company's marketing team to bring commerce context into experience pages and associate products with marketing assets.

  • Microservices rendering facilitates productivity: The product catalog can be rendered dynamically through CIF using microservices from the e-commerce platform. It provides the content creator access to real-time product data without jumping back and forth between two different systems.
  • Design and develop once, reuse everywhere save future costs: The company can implement optimized reusable components, content and promotions across any channel or device, including traditional and emerging channels, saving time and resources.
  • Personalized experiences at scale lead to more sales: The system now collects and tracks user behavior data with CIF's pre-integrated data hydration layer to create personalized promotions and recommendations. These user experience improvements create greater customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Out-of-the-box tools expand authoring potential: Marketers now use out-of-the-box authoring tools such as product category pickers to bring commerce context into experience pages and associate products with marketing assets.
  • Widely available integration lays the foundation for growth: Any third-party commerce platforms can be integrated to AEM through Adobe I/O Runtime. This provides the company with a solid and scalable foundation for future growth.

Technologies Used

Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud-based CMS platform that provides tools for building websites and mobile apps, and managing content and digital assets
Adobe Commerce Integration Framework: A connector that integrates third-party e-commerce platforms with the Adobe Experience Cloud
Adobe I/O Runtime: AEM component based upon OpenWhisk that supports the function-as-a-service architecture
Intershop: Hosted B2B e-commerce platform produced by Intershop Communications AG that supports headless operations and progressive web apps.
GraphQL: API-specific query language and runtime fulfill queries from an existing data source

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